BLUEHILLS RESIDENCEThis large house is designed around the needs of a big family and solves a difficult, south facing site with a powerline servitude. After developing a series of options, we arrived at a courtyard layout which provides a sunny, sheltered space around which the house is wrapped. A generous carport with splayed ends forms a grand arrival space with two entrances at either side, one for the family, the other for receiving visitors to the business suite. The passage around the courtyard is screened by a latticework of breeze blocks to maintain privacy, while the living spaces on the lower level open to the courtyard and site beyond. The existing wetland with its beautiful vegetation and abundant bird life can offer the family a unique experience of wilderness in the city. 26’10 project team:Thorsten Deckler, Oliver Brown, Suzani van der Merwe, Saalihah Kolia