2610 South Architects







Johannesburg’s Victorian / modernist inner city is in a constant state of flux. Largely abandoned by big business and landlords during the power vacuum before and after the first democratic elections, the city has changed ownership. The modernist spatial and functional standards of its buildings are subverted by new uses and occupancies of its local and international residents from all over Africa. Several projects and studies have been undertaken to retro-fit existing buildings to meet the demand for safe and dignified inner-city living.

320 Bree Street, JHB inner city completed 2009
The conversion of 6 storey warehouses in Bree Street into 60 rental units.
Team: Thorsten Deckler, Anne Graupner, Kiran Paras

August House, JHB inner city completed 2006
Interior layout for large working / living spaces for artists in 1930’s warehouse (4 storeys)
Team: Thorsten Deckler, Anne Graupner, Kiran Paras

Torch Ties Apartments, JHB inner city study 2007
The conversion of 6 storey warehouses in Commissioner Street into 60 rental units.
Team: Thorsten Deckler, Anne Graupner, Kiran Paras

End Street Apartments, JHB inner city completed documentation 2007
The conversions of three four storey warehouses in Doornfontein into 96 sectional title units with retail on ground floor.
Team: Thorsten Deckler, Anne Graupner, Janet Lauder, Sue Groenewald, Kiran Paras

Vaderland Building, JHB inner city study 2007
A study for the conversion of a 30 000m² newspaper printing plant and offices into mixed use development.
Team: Anne Graupner, Thorsten Deckler, Thiresh Govender, Eugene Cloete

Davies Street Transitional Housing, JHB inner city study 2006

A study for the upgrade of existing informal, communal housing on several interlinked plots occupied by low-rise industrial buildings.
Team: Anne Graupner, Thorsten Deckler, Kiran Paras